Dear Friend,
Over the past few months, you were informed of a benefit concert for our son Stephen, who suffered brain damage as a result of a metabolic crisis. Without conviction, you answered the plea for support. You graciously responded by purchasing ad space for the program, selling tickets, advertising or making a donation. If you were able to attend the concert, then you experienced a night of beautiful talent and a sense of warmth and love that we have felt since that tragic day in our lives. You also had the opportunity to slow down during a hectic time and share in a Christmas event that rekindled the spirit of that first Christmas. It is the generous response from people like you that helped this benefit raise almost $30,000 for Stephen’s Medical Fund. All in attendance went home with the beautiful program that truly represents the good that God instilled in each and every one of us.
Many of you have witnessed and felt our tragedy and pain over the past eighteen months. You have also helped to ease that pain by your caring and giving ways. In the midst of our suffering, we have remained strong and that strength comes from the love we have for our family and the love that God has for us. His love for us shines through the caring and supportive people that He has placed in our lives like you. We are all provided countless opportunities to reach out to others and lend a helping hand never truly knowing who we are helping. This time, you know that your generous donation is going to a very sweet little boy, who has touched the hearts of many before he got sick and continues to do so with his strong but gentle spirit. Although we cannot turn back the hands of time and change what happened to Stephen, we are determined to provide him with optimum opportunities for progress. Thanks to the medical fund for Stephen, he gets to benefit from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy that aids healing in the brain and we will soon be participating in a program called “Brain Net”, which is an intense, specialized therapy program for children with brain injuries. Both of these are just a few of the things that insurance does not cover yet are beneficial to children like Stephen.
Our family
wishes to thank you for your support and generosity for our son, Stephen.
We are extremely grateful for your kindness, thoughtfulness, prayers and
willingness to help
us meet
Stephen’s needs. Feel free to stay in touch and updated on Stephen
through his website; We remain faithful
and hopeful for a brighter future for Stephen.
God bless
Monaco Family,
Jana, Nicholas,
and Caroline